
2025-03-03 09:03:06

1,中央电视台新年节目the pogram on the spring festival of cctv
2,元宵节晚会the evening party of festival of lanterns
3,包饺子到深夜make dumplings till the middle night
4,亲朋好友friends and relatives
5,万圣节巧克力chocolates in the holloween
6,认真对待这个问题take it seriously
7,把房间打扫干净clean the house
8,圣诞前夜the eve of christmas
9,来回踱步walk back and forth
10,与某人打招呼say hello to
11,这鱼味道很鲜美the fish is delicious
12,记住下周的聚会remember the party next week
13,阳光旅行社的经理助理the assistant of manager in the sunshine travel agency
14,为英国朋友举办的告别晚会the farewell party for the british friends
15,有空给我打电话call me when u are free
16,虎口脱险escape from the mouth of the tiger
17,吃快餐have fast food
18,迄今为止till now
19,名胜places of great interest
20,对不同文化感兴趣be interested in different cultures
21,钓鱼取乐make fun of fishing
22,喜欢学物理like learning physics
23,.获得诺贝尔奖金gain the reward of nobel
24,赴圣诞晚会迟到be late for the christmas party
25,洗淋浴have shower
26,河上的一座桥a bridge over the river
27,在校门外边outside the school gate
28,桌子上的一个橘子an orange on the table
29,坐在某人旁边sit beside ..
30,站在某人对面 stand in front of


1 China Central Television New Year program
2 Lantern Festival party
3 Dumplings into the night
4 Friends and family
5 Halloween chocolate
6 This issue seriously
7 clear the room
8 Christmas Eve
9 Pacing back and forth
10 say holle to sb.
11.This fish is delicious flavor
12.Remember next week's meeting
13.Sunshine travel agent assistant manager
14.British friends for the farewell party held
15.Free to give me a call


中央电视台新年节目 CCTV new year program
2,元宵节晚会 lantern festival celebration
3,包饺子到深夜 make dumplings till midnight
4,亲朋好友 family relations and friends
5,万圣节巧克力 Hallowmas chocolate
6,认真对待这个问题 be concentrate on this problem
7,把房间打扫干净 tidy up this room
8,圣诞前夜 Chrismas eve
9,来回踱步 steps with doubt
10,与某人打招呼 say hi to sb
11,这鱼味道很鲜美 this fish taste fresh
12,记住下周的聚会 remember the party next week
13,阳光旅行社的经理助理 manager assistant of sunshine travel agent
14,为英国朋友举办的告别晚会 the farewell party for english friends
15,有空给我打电话 call me when you available
16,虎口脱险 escape from risk
17,吃快餐 eat fast food
18,迄今为止 till present
19,名胜 famous
20,对不同文化感兴趣 intrest in diferent culture
21,钓鱼取乐 fishing for entertainment
22,喜欢学物理 like to learn physics
23,.获得诺贝尔奖金 get nobel prize
24,赴圣诞晚会迟到 late for chrismas party
25,洗淋浴 taking shower
26,河上的一座桥 the bridge on river
27,在校门外边 outside of school
28,桌子上的一个橘子 a orange at side of table
29,坐在某人旁边 sit beside sb
30,站在某人对面 stand front sb


1,cctv new year's program
2,Lantern Festival's evening party
3,wrap dumplings till late at night
4,friends and family
5,Halloweenn chocolate
6,take seriously to this question
7,clean the room
8,Christmas eve
9,keep walkin' around
10,say hello to sb
11,How delicious the fish is
12,remember the next week's party
13,assistant to manager of sunshine travel agency
14,farewell party for English friend
15,pls call me when you're free
16,La Grande Vadrouille
18,so far
19,key ponit of interest
20,be interest in different cultures
21,delighted in fishing
22,interest in physics
23,gain nobel prize
24,be late for christmas eve
25,shower bath
26,a bridge over the river
27,outside the school
28,an orange on the table
29,seat near sb
30,stand towards sb