quarter ['kwɔ:tə]
adj. 四分之一的
n. 四分之一,一刻钟
vt. 四等分
The clock strikes the hours, the half-hours and the quarters.
The rent is due at the end of each quarter.
It's a quarter past ten.
动词过去式:quartered 过去分词:quartered
过去分词:quartered 现在分词:quartering
名词 quarter:
one of four equal parts
同义词:one-fourth, fourth, fourth part, twenty-five percent, quartern
a district of a city having some distinguishing character
one of four periods of play into which some games are divided
a unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour
one of four periods into which the school year is divided
a fourth part of a year; three months
one of the four major division of the compass
a quarter of a hundredweight (25 pounds)
a quarter of a hundredweight (28 pounds)
a United States coin worth one fourth of a dollar
an unspecified person
the rear part of a ship
同义词:stern, after part, poop, tail
piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp
clemency or mercy shown to a defeated opponent
动词 quarter:
provide housing for (military personnel)
同义词:billet, canton
pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him
同义词:draw, draw and quarter
divide into quarters
divide by four; divide into quarters
quarter: quarter n. 四分之一,方向, 地区, 方面, 季, 季度, 一刻钟num. 四分之一, 刻 英英解释:名词quarter:1. one of four equal parts同义词:one-...
外国人就那么说的 就像中国人说"不管三七二十一",那么如果别人问你为何不用"五六三十",你就觉得不可思议一样的道理. 这些算是语言的文化,没有为什么,唯一的办法就是记住.
quarter 还有个意思是"一季"
一个解释 : 语法习惯
就像我们常用九点一刻代替说九点十五 我们搭车 乘船 乘飞机 都习惯说成
:坐车 坐船 坐飞机 等等
从语法规则上讲 都说得过去
但是日常生活习惯如此 学习英语 还要学习日常文化和风俗习惯
不合习惯的话 会被认为是外国人或者不明情理