G.I.Goe并非是特种部队的缩写,一部1945年奥斯卡提名影片叫the story of G.I.Goe.G.I是galvanized iron(镀锌铁)的缩写。也是美国军队武器装备原材料之一,久而久之成了美国大兵的众多昵称之一。Goe是电影主人公的名字,他很勇敢,与特种部队塑造的美国士兵形象不谋而合。因此得来。
G.I. Joe is a series of action figures manufactured by Hasbro, a toy company from United States. It was designed and presented to the world for the first time in 1964. They were named after the term for U.S. soldiers which is in use since the First World War. At that time, most of the equipment issued to U.S. soldiers was marked "G.I." which meant that it was made from galvanized iron.
Global Integrated Joint Opreating Entity
G.I JOE 是二战时期美国政府颁发给士兵的荣誉 G=government I=issue JOE=代表每一个普通的美国士兵。