Six years ago, I was a little girl. On Children's Day, my parents took me to the zoo. We saw a lot of animals there. I was very happy.
I like animals, like cats,dogs, tigers,pandas.So my dream is to be a biologist.
Six years ago, I was a small girl.
In Children's Day改成On Children's Day
my parents took me 加to the zoo
We改成saw a lot of animals.
I like animal .My wish is to become a biologist.
Six years ago, I was a small girl. On Children's Day,my parents took me to the zoo. We saw a lot of animals. I was very happy.
I like animals, and so ,My wish is to be a biologist.
语法有点错误,took me to the zoo
We have a lot of animals 也是错的,应该改成we have saw a lot of animal,不要加s,因为有lot of 了
I wish is when a biologist改成I wish I can become a biologist,或者I want to become a biologist
Six years ago, I was a little girl. On Children's Day,my parents took me to the zoo. We saw a lot of animals. I was very happy.
I like animal, and so ,my wish is to become a biologist.