提供范文一篇《我的老师》My English teacher In my school years, I have met many English teachers, in those ones, only one gave me very deep deprecion. She is very kind and gentle, who made us to love everything,including English. If I ever have an opptunity to say thank you to her, I think now it is the perfect time! thank you! Thank you for your kindness and everything in my little kind heart! 在我的学习生涯中遇到很多英语老师,在他们当中,有一个英语老师令我终生难忘。她非常温柔、和蔼可亲,是她教给我们如何去爱身边的东西,包括英语。如果我有机会向她说声谢谢,我想现在就说谢谢您,谢谢您给我幼小的心灵中留下美好的憧憬!