http://www.apple.com/downloads/m ... s/synctogether.html 看看上面这个链接能不能满足要求 另外可以看看http://www.macworld.com/article/133797/2008/06/synciphoto.html,这篇文章是专门写iphoto sync的 关于iphoto library manager这个软件的使用,我在一个论坛上看到这样一段话: I have the same problem and I found this:http://homepage.mac.com/bwebster/iphotolibrarymanager.html I haven't tried it yet because I'm waiting for MWSF to see if Apple addresses this issue in the new iLife. Features Create new libraries, and keep track of any number of libraries on your machine Switch between libraries, either through the main window or the dock menu See what albums are in each of your libraries Get information your libraries, such as their version, modification date, and size View and change the permissions of your libraries, handy for sharing libraries between users Extract the photos from a library, even if the library is corrupted Create shortcut files, letting you open your libraries directly from the Finder (registered users only) Copy photos from one library to another, preserving metadata such as names, dates, ratings, comments (limit 20 photos for unregistered users, requires iPhoto 4.0.3 or greater) Merge two or more libraries together, preserving all photo metadata and roll organization (registered users only, requires iPhoto 4.0.3 or greater) Import photos directly into a library or album, along with various metadata (registered users only) 如果你的两台mac不需要同步变化,那么可以将iphoto library和原始照片路径拷贝到另一台机器上,注意两台机器的用户名要相同,文件路径也要相同 估计上面这些能解决你的问题了