1、阅读短文判断句意对的,用t表示错的用f表示 2、阅读短文,回答问题 3、根据提示写一段话,至少

2025-03-19 01:12:33

My favourite animal is a dog or anything to do with the dog family. I love dogs. I also love their wild relatives, coyotes and wolves.

The reason I love dogs so much is because they are loyal and they are man's best friend. I have a dog. He is part Australian cattle dog. His name is Ice. I love Ice very much.

The reason I love Ice so much is because when we first got him, just a little over a year ago, he had hurt his paw. I walk slower than most people do because I have congenital chorea. I took Ice outside one morning and I was walking down the stairs to get to our front lawn. Ice sat at the top of the stairs, holding his sore paw up in the air and he waited until I had gotten all the way down the stairs before he went down them.