
2025-02-25 13:48:34

A year's plan starts with spring, a day in the morning program. Spring, is like a beautiful girl. As long as she has taken place, blooms, let flowers bloom. Spring, she didn't like that very hot summer; Also don't like autumn that inanimate, everywhere the withered stalk; Don't like winter cold that more threatening. Voice is gentle, gentle wind like small hand touched, let a person feel little cool idea. Spring is the most beautiful scenery. Spring is the mountain of emerald, far into the distance, like a giant emerald. "Live" on a hill in the young trees planted thrived. Went into the forest, still can smell the fresh smell of soil, let a person feel the breath of nature. The spring rain more beautiful ? 一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。春天,好比是一个美丽的姑娘。只要她走过的地方,万物复苏,百花齐放。 春天,她不像夏天那样炎热无比;也不像秋天那样死气沉沉,到处枯枝败叶;更不像冬天那样寒气逼人。春姑娘是温柔的,微风吹过就像小手轻轻地抚摸一样,让人感到一丝丝凉意。 春天的景物是最美的。春天的山是翠绿色的,远远望去,像是一块巨型的绿宝石。“住”在山上的小树一棵棵枝繁叶茂。走进茂密的丛林中,还可以闻到一股清新的泥土味,让人感觉到大自然的气息。 春天的雨更美,细如牛毛般撒在草地上,撒在树林上,撒在花丛里。渐渐地渗透到泥土里。“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”。让他们生根发芽,为春天增添勃勃生机。雨过后,太阳出来了,空气也更清新了。草地上、树上和大地上呈现出一派耀眼的景色,真是美丽极了。



Spring, all things recovery, all the flowers bloom together. Gentle wind, warm clouds, blue sky, clear water, everywhere is a quiet atmosphere