over
the
past
period
of
time,
i
was
not
getting
along
well
with
my
family
members.
particularly,
i
always
did
everything
against
their
will.
i
was
not
living
happily
with
the
aged
members,
such
as
my
grandpa,
grandma
and
parents.
it
is
mainly
because
the
generation
gap
among
us
is
very
serious.
i
am
a
teenager
and
my
living
style
differs
from
them
very
much.
now,
i
understand
that
i
shall
have
filial
respect
to
the
elder
family
members.
i
shall
be
obedient
to
them
even
though
their
thoughts
and
way
of
living
are
quite
different
from
me.
so,
we
are
now
all
getting
along
well.
过去一段时间,
我没有和我的家人相处得很好,尤其是,我做的一切总是违背他们的意愿。我没有跟长辈们生活得愉快,例如:爷爷、奶奶和父母。这主要是因为我们之间的代沟是非常严重的,我是一个青少年,我的生活方式是非常不同于他们。现在,我明白,我必须孝顺尊敬家庭里的长辈,即使他们的想