insert into student
select '00001','张三','男', cast('2013-12-28' as datetime),'01','xxx@qq.com'
union all
select '00001','李四','男', cast('2013-12-28' as datetime),'01','xxx@qq.com'
insert into course
select '001','C语言'
union all
select '002','英语'
union all
select '003','ACCESS'
union all
select '004','数据库';
3、用SQL语句在成绩表中添加本组成员的考试成绩数据: C语言、英语、ACCESS。
insert into socre
select '00001','001',90
union all
select '00001','002',80
union all
select '00001','003',85
union all
select '00001','004',92
union all
select '00002','001',80
union all
select '00002','002',85
union all
select '00002','003',88
union all
select '00002','004',78
select sid,sname,sex,birthday,email
from student where sex='男' and xzbh=本组编号
select * from student where xzbh=本组编号
select t1.sid,t1.sname,t3.kcmc,t2.score
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno
order by t2.score asc
select t1.sid,t1.sname
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno
and t3.kcmc='英语' and t2.score<60
select t1.sid,t1.sname
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno
and t3.kcmc='英语'
and t2.score>60 and t2.score<80
select t1.sid,t1.sname
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno
and t3.kcmc='英语'
and t2.score>=80 and t2.score<=100
select t3.kcmc,
sum(case when t2.score<60 then 1 else 0 end) 不及格人数,
sum(case when t2.score>=60 and t2.score<80 then 1 else 0 end) 60到80人数,
sum(case when t2.score>=80 and t2.score<=100 then 1 else 0 end) 80到100人数
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno and t3.kcmc='英语'
select t3.kcmc,avg(t2.score),max(t2.score),min(t2.score)
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno and t3.kcmc='英语' and xzbh=本组编号
select t.sid,t.sname,t.score
select t1.sid,t1.sname,t3.score
row_number()over(order by max(t2.score) desc)maxrn,
row_number()over(order by min(t2.sorce) asc)minrn
from student t1,score t2,course t3
where t1.sid=t2.sid and t3.cno=t2.cno and t3.kcmc='ACCESS' and xzbh=本组编号)t
where maxrn=1 or minrn=1
update score t1 set score=(select min(score)+10 from score t2 where t1.cno=t2.cno)