1, 汽车用品和户外动力设备 (Automotive & Powersports)
2, 珠宝首饰 (Jewelry)
3, 玩具和游戏分类假日销售指南 (Holiday Selling Guidelines in Toys & Games)
4 , 美妆分类:要求和申请 (Beauty category: Requirements and application)
5, 亚马逊定制 (Amazon Custom)
6, 钟表 (Watches)
7,服装和配饰 (Clothing & Accessories )
8, 鞋子、手提包和太阳眼镜 (Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses)
9 ,食品 (Grocery & Gourmet Foods)
10, 箱包和旅行用品 (Luggage & Travel Accessories)
11,性健康用品 (Sexual Wellness)
12,体育收藏品 (Sports Collectibles)
13, 视频、DVD 和蓝光光盘 (Video, DVD, & Blu-ray)
14, 加入亚马逊手工艺品市场 (Join Handmade at Amazon)
15, 收藏书籍 (Collectible Books)
16 ,硬币收藏品 (Collectible Coins)
17, 娱乐收藏品 (Entertainment Collectibles)
18,艺术品 (Fine Art)
19,礼品卡 (Gift Cards)
20,大型家电服务 (Major Appliances Services)
21,酒 (Wine)
1)发票内容需包含供货商名称地址,电话,以及店铺网址 采购方的名称地址,电话等信息 内容包含货品名称数量金额等;
2)发票日期为90天内开具为宜 所购产品一定要属于所申请的类目
To ensure that customers are able to buy with confidence from all
sellers on Amazon.com, sellers listing in the following categories must
be approved by Amazon:
Automotive Parts / Motorcycle & ATV(汽车摩托零配件)
Clothing, Accessories & Luggage(服饰、箱包周边产品)
Collectible Books(收藏书籍)
Entertainment Collectibles(娱乐收藏品)
Gift Cards(礼品卡)
Industrial & Scientific(工业和科技制品)
Shoes, Handbags & Sunglasses(鞋子、手提包、墨镜等)
Sports Collectibles(体育收藏品)
Toys & Games (holiday approval only)(玩具和游戏制品节假日需要申请)
Note: Amazon is currently not reviewing new seller applications to list
products for sale in the Jewelry category. If you wish to be notified
when the Jewelry category begins reviewing new seller applications
again, please fill out the Contact Us form on our Amazon Services
For the criteria for specific categories and links to category-specific
request forms, visit the Categories and Products Requiring Approval
Sellers may be required to obtain approval to list certain products in
certain categories. Currently, only approved sellers can list certain
products in the following
Camera & Photo(相机和相片周边)
DVD Electronics(电子产品)
Toys & Games (additional holiday approval may apply)
Video Games(游戏)
品牌名(Brand Name)位置不同:需要分类审核类目的产品,产品的brand name 展示在产品标题上方;若该产品所在品类不需要分类审核,那么产品的产品的brand name 显示在标题下方并且前面还有一个by,如下图:
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直接查看亚马逊后台资料 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=14113001