It
is
a
secret
这是一个秘密.
It
is
a
secret,
so
keep
it
under
your
hat.
这是秘密,所以你一人知道就可以了。
It
is
a
secret
between
you
and
me.
这是你我之间的秘密。
It
is
a
secret
still,I
am
supposed
not
to
say.
这还是机密,我不能说。
It
is
a
secret
between
them
and
me.
这是我和他们之间的秘密。
It
is
a
secret
still,
am
supposed
not
to
say.
这还是机密,我不能说。
Success
to
uphold,
it
is
a
secret
is
not
mysterious.
成功在于坚持,这是一个并不神秘的秘诀。