求 大鱼老爸的英语影评

2024-12-24 08:11:20

Because Someone have already written about the father’love perfectly. So I will tell someting else now.
-------------words in the front
One thing I like about Tim Burton's work is his wonderful art workthat the art is always wonderful. The scenes in Sleepy Hollow are truly a wonder and Big Fish does not disappoint me either. Maybe it isn't as stunning as Sleepy Hollow, but Spectre is beautiful enough afterall.
The pathetic thing about adults is that they are not imaginative anymore. When William was little he envied his father's heroic experiences, yet when he grew up everything turned out to be a lie to him, something to hurt him but not something to amuse him. If he had discovered sooner how Ed Bloom had been able to have noticed of the small and interesting things and people happened in his life and made use of them to write his own tale and brought others laughters and joy, he would have realised sooner that he himself was a good story-teller too: The story Will told of was almost the most fascinating one in the film. Through telling the story the son finally understood his father. It's better than a thousand explanations. This way Big Fish is a tale for grown-ups.
Life is always a myth, but what comes out of it could be so fantastic once you got the courage and the positive spirit. Every human being has his or hers ups and downs in the long journey of lifetime, but the legend for each one could reach the perfect ending if produced in an imaginative and purely positive way like Edward Bloom's.
"The big fish gets its way by never been caught". Never let the obstacles and the trivial in life bring you down. And you can also be the big fish


挺喜欢写影评,只可惜没看过big fish,而且你又没一分悬赏,难道我可以浪费生命中的一个半小时在毫无意义的事情上面吗。。