作文:my views on educational visits

2025-03-01 07:15:47

Support is an interesting beast.I’d like to think that if I’m
helping someone,I’m doing so without the expectation that they would one
day do for me a particular service.But to be honest,when I would like a
little help and it doesn’t come from the people who I’ve helped,people
who I’d like to believe would want to help me without me even having to
ask.It’s a pretty rotten feeling,a feeling I wonder why I have.
If I
am truly to say I have no expectations of return,then surely,when no
return comes I shouldn’t be affected by it at all,right?
suppose,it’s always that much more real when it actually happens.And in
truth pure altruism is rare,if it exists in humans at all.
I’ve seen
memes going around on social network outlets that have statements along
the lines of “Don’t help those,who don’t help you” this on the surface
makes sense,but is in direct contradiction to the selfless,community
aware persons we are supposed to be.However to be altruistic means self
sacrifice,as one would always prioritise the needs of others over their
own,even at their own expense.
So which one,does one choose?
Do I seek altruism,even to the detriment of my own progress?
Or do I refuse to help/support anyone unless clear understanding of a return of favour is established?
do believe balance is key to everything (or at least most
things),finding that balance however perhaps isn’t as easy as one might
like,it’s a continual learning experience
I certainly cannot claim to
be selfless,although I don’t necessarily expect a return of favour,it
would be nice if that happened.But,I do have to accept that it won’t
always happen,and if it doesn’t,I then have to decide if I should
continue to help/support said person,or if that person has used up all
the ‘damns’ I have to give.
It’s not something one can put a number
on,so in closing,I shall say,pay attention to your feelings,they would
tell you things about yourself you may not want to know,but would have
to deal with.