Oracle中创建新的user, 也就相应地创建了一个新的schema, 用来区别其他目录的同时, 还保存所有相关user的数据对象以及user的表。
How to create a new user? (create a new db)
The statement create user creates a user.
In the most simple form, the create user statement is one of the following three:
create user alfredo identified by alfredos_secret;
create user alfredo identified externally;
create user alfredo identified globally as 'external_name';
The first one creates a local user, the second one creates an external user while the last one creates global user.
How to create locked users?
A user can be created locked, that is, the user cannot connect to the database.
SQL> create user alfredo identified by passw0rd account lock;
The user is now created, he can be granted some rights, for example the right to connect to the database:
SQL> grant connect to alfredo;
Now, if the user tries to connect to the database, he will get ORA-28000:
SQL> connect alfredo/passw0rd
ORA-28000: the account is locked
The user can now be unlocked with an alter user statement:
SQL> alter user alfredo account unlock;
Which allows Alfredo to log on to the database now:
SQL> connect alfredo/passw0rd
2、使用:create user 用户名;