2, the exchange rate changes on a country's economy
(1) the impact on the domestic economy
A, influence prices up or down. Exchange rate changes, immediately following an impact on the prices of imported goods. First, imports of consumer goods and raw materials price changes, and then processing of raw materials imported goods or similar imported goods are subject to change domestic commodity prices.
Exchange rate changes, the domestic export prices change. If the currency exchange rate fell, the foreign purchasing power, and foreign importers will increase their demand for exports. In a corresponding increase in export supply can not be the case, domestic prices of export commodities must rise.Export trade in primary products, the impact of exchange rate changes on prices was particularly evident.
B, under certain circumstances, affect the export of the production sector. When foreign currency appreciation, will make imports more expensive, so in order to import raw materials, export-oriented producers increased production costs and weaken their competitiveness on international markets, while domestic exports mainly raw materials more favorable to producers.
Foreign currency devaluation, imports will become cheaper, so in order to export mainly imported raw materials producers, production costs down, and the export competitiveness in international markets increased, while domestic exports mainly raw materials producers is not due to exchange rate benefits changes.
(2) Foreign exchange rate movements on the economy of a country
A, on a country's capital flows. In the long term, when the currency exchange rate falls, the national capital in order to prevent the loss of currency devaluation, often fled the country, such as currency exchange rate rise, the impact on capital movement and the conditions applicable to the contrary.
B, the impact on foreign trade. Decline in value of the currency has to expand its exports, the role of inhibition of their imports, thereby making it possible to reverse the trade balance deficit.
(3) exchange rate changes on a country's foreign exchange reserves of gold
A, reserve currency exchange rate changes affect the actual value of a country's foreign exchange reserves. Reserve currency appreciation, the real value of a country's foreign exchange reserves increase; the contrary decreased.
B, local currency exchange rate movements, through capital transfers and changes in import and export trade, direct impact on their foreign currency reserves increase or decrease.
C, exchange rate changes affect certain reserve currency status and role.
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