塞西(Cecil)吧 是我看鬼片看回来的 塞西是个很可爱的女孩啊 反正应该适合吧,我和你可能也差不多大的 你喜欢就用吧
Emily ,Amy ,Lucy,Annie ,Lorna,Wendy ,sophie Ella, Jenniffer,Joy.Grace Abby Alice ,cici ,sissie, Doris Linda很多了,你到词典里找找。
Meaning: Its source is oliva, a Latin name meaning "Olive."
Languages: This girl's name is used in English and Italian.
Nicknames: Livia, Ollie, Liv, Livie and Livvy
Alternative Spellings: Olivea
Variant Forms: Alivia, Olevia and Oliveria
Non-English Forms: Oliwja
Source Forms: Oliva
Popularity: The name Olivia ranked 11th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 352nd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.
This name was popular earlier in the 20th century, then fell off in usage, but has begun making a comeback in recent years.
Narrative: This was introduced by Shakespeare as the name of a much-wooed aristocrat in his play Twelfth Night (1599). The derivation given assumes that his source was the olive plant, but he might have conceived the name as a female form of Oliver.
排名第11位的Olivia 非常可爱 很适合你
奉劝咱们中国人不要傻-啦-吧-唧的给自己起英文名字。我,包括我的上司还有老板,没有一个不后悔这个英文名字。因为你的英文名字根本就是不合法的,是假的,你的护照上面根本就没有这个名字。当你在社会上混到一定程度的时候,基本上大部分外国人都知道你的英文名字了,你想改你都没法改。韩日菲的煞-笔还会嘲笑你,他们很惊讶,中国人这么不喜欢自己的文化么,中国人难道自己给自己起名字吗? 也痛恨这些坑人不浅的英文老师,根本就不了解情况,根本就没有见识。第一天上课,给全班同学起英文名字,纯粹-煞-笔蛋-疼闲的慌。我有英文名字, 我现在改都改不了。我因为有个英文名字,所以我感觉我很-贱!建议你的英文名字就是你的中文名字的拼音, 你有这个本事,外国人就会记得你。你毛都不是一个,你名字是奥巴马也没人对你感兴趣。