
2025-03-13 06:19:04

《Where the wind blows free ft. AgentEngram & Duckett》这是歌词so why don’t you tell me where does the wind blow so free
where does the sunshine so bright and clear

so let’s go ride the wind because it’s just so free
the sun burns brightly just for us just so full of life

dash about dash away go lay out and chew hay
dash about that’s the way lagos should spend every day

jump and hop twist and binky shiver stomp feeling frisky
shake your head enjoy yourself do it daily for your health

Oh I wish I could see the end of the sky so far away
I’d spread a set of colored wings and fly all of the day

so let’s go ride the wind because it’s just so free
the sun burns brightly just for us just so full of life

dash about dash away go lay out and chew hay
dash about that’s the way lagos should spend every day

So come find me
I’m in your soul
the wind blows
So follow the wind wherever it takes your heart
you should go to and dare cause that’s the very best part

enjoying life is something you just cannot let pass on by
If only my dreams were birds they’d all take into the sky

so why don’t you tell me where does the wind blow so free
where does the sunshine so bright and clear

so let’s go ride the wind because it’s just so free
the sun burns brightly just for us just so full of life

So come find me
I’m in your soul
the wind blows



如果你也听说 - 张惠妹


如果你也听说 - 张惠妹
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