1.将鸡胸肉切块,用葱、姜末、精盐、料酒腌制。
2.将鸡蛋打散,用腌好的鸡柳裹上蛋汁,拍上面包糠压实后,用平底锅煎至熟透。
3.在汉堡胚子中夹入鸡柳、西红柿、生菜即可。
Well,
basic
materials
have
all
pulled
out
to
do
it:
There
is
the
bread
cut
into
upper
and
lower
two,
spread
out,in
a
flap,
and
then
placed
cucumber,
tomato,
and
other
deputy
expected,
in
another
flap
on
painted
salad
sauce,
then
Sprinkle
lettuce,
bread
together
is
not
looked
very
tempting?
You
still
do
not
eat
Oh,
in
the
microwave
on
the
inside
half
a
minute
to
fire
high,
the
attention,
only
half
a
minute
oh.
.
.
.