The weight of the package is probably in 5-6 kilograms or so.
In China 6 kilograms of of the postage is probably for 1105 dollar renminbi.
Transport the freight ratio EMS cheapness by air, if you would like to accept the air freight, pleasing tell we leave you the recent international airport name. Like this we also can arrive same customs clearing agent proceed pay customs duties, this rightness we both parties all very convenient.
Please give us concerning the method of payment, pack, the suggestion of the label.
The weight of the package is probably in 5-6 kilograms or so.
In China 6 kilograms of of the postage is probably for 1105 dollar renminbi.
Transport the freight ratio EMS cheapness by air, if you would like to accept the air freight, pleasing tell we leave you the recent international airport name. Like this we also can arrive same customs clearing agent proceed pay customs duties, this rightness we both parties all very convenient.