In 1982, the population of elderly people aged over 60 was 754,000 in Nantong, which made up 10.2% of the city's total population. Since then, this figure has been increasing at an annual rate of 3.2%. By 2005, it has reached 1,600,000--18.2% of the total population. Estimates based on the average increase of the 'over-60' population between 1991 and 2001 predicts that the number of aged inhabitants will reach 2,200,000--22% of the whole population, in 2020. By 2050, Nangtong will have entered its demographic peak with the number of the elderly reaching maximum. In response, the local authority has established sets of guidelines (namely 'Organised by the government, joined by the society, cared by the people'), and policies for the social work of elderly care.
PO. (purchase order) is a piece of document which approves suppliers to deliver goods or service demands with specified price and time , and is carried out by the person who is authorised to purchase goods
The purchase order is a document prescribing the specific prices, time periods and the authorised excutor of the purchase for the suppliers.
A purchase order form is a hard-copy order for supplies or services
that a company sends to a vendor. In return, the vendor fulfills and ships
the items or delivers the services to the ordering company based on the
specific price and time limit.
P.S. 差不多是这样了
The order slip is a document that authorizes a supplier to deliver goods or perform services according to previously agreed-upon terms and conditions; to be issued only by a person with authorization to place orders.