acca f4科目讲什么内容

2024-12-04 10:30:53

ACCA F4主要讲的是公司法和商法,总共分为八个部分,2016年ACCA
ACCA f4考试时间:2小时ACCAF4考试内容包括:A部分:
F4 考试大纲:
F4 Corporate & Business Law (English) 是ACCA
考试中*10的一门法律科目,它的大纲设置主要涵盖了:  lEnglish Legal System (英国法律体系)  lLaw of Contract
(合同法)  lTort Law (民法)  lLaw of Employment (劳动合同法)  lAgency (代理)  lPartnership
(合伙企业)  lCompany Law (公司法), 以及  lProfessional ethics and Corporate Governance
ACCA F4科目 考试结构:
15分钟阅读及180分钟答题时间,共10题,每题10分,均为必做题,问题内容涉及整个大纲,其中:  l第
1-7题为问答题,考官直接在问题中明确要测试的知识点,要求考生回答相应法律条款及以往案例。  l第8-10题为案例分析题,考官会给出一个涉及多个人物或组织的案例,问题往往不明确指出所涉及的知识点,需要考生根据案情自己寻找考点,选择适用的条款及案例做答,并适当加入自己的分析结论。
在F4 考题由可选题变成必做题后,F4考试的难度也随之加大,这就要求考生要对大纲中的每一章节都能熟练掌握,不能遗漏。
ACCA F4科目答题方法:
rule of law, case name, name of Act, Section number
-案例分析题的答案必须包含:Introduction/definition/declaration of issue, rule of law,
case name,  name of Act, Section number, fact analysis, and conclusion.
ACCA F4科目学习方法:
作为ACCA fundamental level 中少有的纯理论科目,F4
考生必须用case 来支持答案,但是 fact of the case 是不需要在答案中详细摘录的。在学习过程中,
fact是帮助理解的极好手段,也是解答案例分析题的极好参考。正确地应用statutory legislation,以及section
F4考官在他的报告中还强调,Companies Act 2006(CA 2006)已经出现在ACCA
F4最近的2次的考试中了,但是从这2次的考试结果来看,很多考生没有认识到CA 2006 与CA 1985之中的变化,在答题过程中仍使用老CA
考官倾向于将CA 2006中的新变化,以及新加入的Tort
ACCA F4科目考试问题范围:
第1题,Legal System
第2题,Law of Contract
第3题,Tort Law  第4,5 题,Company Law
第6, 7题,Employment Law, Corporate Governance, agency, partnership或Company
第8题,Contract Law
第9,10题,Employment Law, Corporate
Governance, agency, partnership或Company Law
1. Legal system Judicial precedent, delegated legislation,  statute
interpretation, Human Rights Act 1998,
2. Law of contract  Consideration, contract terms,  exclusion clause,
breach of contract and remedies
3. Tort Law (大纲新内容,重点留意)  Passing-off, Negligence, Breach of duty of
care,  causality of damage, professional negligence
4. Employment Law  Employment contract, duty of parties, dismissal,
5. Agency  Creation, authority, liability
6. Partnership  Authority, liability of partners, partnership vs
7. Company formation & constitution  Name of company (大纲新内容), Company
promoter,  trading certificate effect of constitution, effects of company
8. Company capital  Class rights, company charge, loan vs share
capital,  capital maintenance, issuing shares
9. Company administration  Company director, company secretary, and
10.Company insolvency  Compulsory and voluntary liquidation,
11.Corporate governance  Corporate governance, money laundering, fraudulent
and wrongful trading
问答题(1-7题):  -Brief explanation of source of law, types of law, court
structure  -Define offer, acceptance, distinguish offer and ITT, doctrine of
privity,  intention to create legal relations, breach  of contract and remedies
(anticipatory breach)  -Standard of duty of care, remoteness of damage, defense
to negligence,  -Separate personality, lifting the veil of
incorporation,  explain clauses in MA, alteration of AA  -Define ordinary,
preference shares, nominal/market value  and debentures, distribution of
dividend,  -Distinguish ED, NED, shadow D. Role, duty of directors to  promote
the success of the company, power of company auditors,  company
resolution  -Distinguish Employee and self-employed, constructive
dismissal,  statutory grounds of unfair dismissal,  remedies for unfair
案例分析题 (8-10题):  -Define offer, acceptance, distinguish offer and
ITT,  breach of contract and remedies  -Interrelation between partnership and
agency law,  authority, liability of partners  -order of repayment in company’s
insolvency, alteration of AA  -Insider dealing  -power of company directors to
bind the companies
注意:问答题的非重点仍不排除出现在案例分析题中(反之亦然)  重点预测仅供参考,通过ACCA考试需要的仍然是踏实的学习。



ACCA P4科目介绍:





4.财务问题的影响。 ACCA P4科目考试技巧 ACCA P4 Advance Financial Management Paper Exam Tips for September 2015 Session are given below by famous tuition providers Kaplan

P4 is a technical paper with some complex calculations sometimes but DO NOT think of the exam as numbers-only. There are plenty of discursive parts which are usually easier than the calculations and easy marks can be picked up by applying commercial awareness and common sense.

Analyse the individual requirements of the question. If you can do the wordy bits first then do so as you will not get bogged down in them like you will with the calculation elements.

Do not expect to finish a question. You must stick to time, especially on the calculations which are very easy to over-run on. The exam is extremely time pressured and the secret to passing is to have a go at every part of every question, not to try and get 100% on every question – to do that you would need about 7 hours!

If you are not sure what to do with a particular figure in a question, ignore it and move on – state assumptions, you haven’t got time to worry about it!

If you get a Black-Scholes question, always list out the input variables as your first stage and assign the relevant values to them – there will be about 2-3 marks usually for doing this.

Practice as many questions as possible but do as many as possible to time. You must get used to doing the questions in the time available and not spending too long on them.

Practice as many questions as possible across the syllabus, and don’t only concentrate on what you consider to be the core areas.

Choose carefully on section B of the paper – it is very limited choice but nonetheless it will be critical.

Do not put down unnecessary workings; because as it will cost you heavily in lost time.

If there is a calculation that you are unable to complete – for e.g. a WACC which prevents you from going on to do the NPV, then just make a reasonable assumption and estimate a WACC which you have been unable to calculate, this will then allow you to progress the calculation and get on to the often more generously rewarded discursive parts of the question.

Look out for examinable articles – two in particular for June 2011:

24 August – The new examiner Shishir Malde gives his approach for the P4 paper 23 September – Another article by the new examiner Shishir Malde on Risk Management January/February article

Two key topics are always NPV appraisal and capital structure, particularly CAPM and Betas. You will not pass if that is all you know but you will struggle to pass if you do not know them!

ACCA P4科目学习方法

我认为P4最关键的是思考问题的角度,因为经历大量的练习之后各种公式模型肯定已经很熟悉了。可以发现几乎所有问题给我们的身份都是企业高管或咨询师,所涉及的问题也都是对企业具有重大战略意义或者风险很高的领域,因此要首先明确自己的看待问题的角度,不能仅从操作层面寻求方案,而是要综合考虑内外部环境、利益相关者的需求后做出******决策。和SKILLS MODULE明显不同的一点是P4已经不把考察单独知识点的掌握和公示的运用作为重点,而是需要我们在面对复杂的财务状况和内外环境时,根据职业判断挑选可以使用的模型方法,然后针对各种方法的适用性和可靠性做出全面的讨论评价,最后结合企业和社会的特殊需求做出最终选择,得出结论。P4分析时给出结论很重要,因为分析本身不是目的,成为一名合格的决策者是ACCA真正培养的能力。






F4:Corporate and Business Law (CL)公司法与商法,该科目主要被分为八个部分。大纲以介绍总体的英国法律体系开始整个课程,介绍了法律的框架,法律系统的构成要素,包括法律的来源,学习具体的商业法、劳动法、公司法,合同法,以及企业面对危机时的相关法律和如何寻求法律援助。作为整个ACCA课程中唯一的一门法律科目,F4在整个ACCA课程体系中相对来说比较独立,但是它还是和后续的课程有一定的关联,它帮助学员建立F7(财务报告)、F8(审计和鉴证)和P2(公司报告)的学习基础。


A Essential elements of the legal system

1. Law and the legal system

2. Sources of law

B The law of obligations

1. Formation of contract

2. Content of contracts

3. Breach of contract and remedies

4. The law of torts and professional negligence

C Employment law

1. Contract of employment

2. Dismissal and redundancy

D The formation and constitution of business organisations

1. Agency law

2. Partnerships

3. Corporations and legal personality

4. The formation and constitution of a company

E Capital and the financing of companies

1. Share capital

2. Loan capital

3. Capital maintenance and dividend law

F Management, administration and the regulation of companies

1. Company directors

2. Other company officers

3. Company meetings and resolutions

G Insolvency law

1. Insolvency and administration

H Corporate fraudulent and criminal behaviour

1. Fraudulent and criminal behaviour

ACCA F4科目考试题型


Section A

Question 1-45 (20*1’=20,25*2’=50)

Section A的题目主要都是基于法律原理和规则的选择题,考察重点是知识点的掌握,规则的理解以及一些简单的应用。这一部分的题目有一分题和两分题,一般来说一分题主要考察基础知识,两分题会涉及一些理解及应用。整体来说Section A的大部分题目难度不会特别大,但是需要考生对于基础知识点掌握扎实,同时也要在作答时认真细心审题。

Section B

Question 46-50 (5*6’=30’)

Section B 的题目基本都是基于案例来考察法律知识应用。在学习了法律基础知识之后,我们要学会如何将这些规则应用到现实生活中来处理问题。该部分题目通常会给一个案例背景,之后的选择题会考察如何应用法律知识来解决。这就需要我们考生不仅对知识点熟练掌握,并且还要具备运用知识来分析问题解决问题的逻辑思维,同时还需要有英语能力确保能正确的读懂题目背景案例。

如何科学有效的学习和应对 ACCA F4考试?

1、作为ACCA 中少有的纯理论科目,F4不但要求考生具有强大的记忆力、理解能力及逻辑分析能力,尤其是案例分析题,只有建立在对大纲所有知识点都熟知的前提下,才能针对案情,回答出相对应的法律条款及以往案例。



4、对于机考的案例分析题,问题也是以选择题的形式出现,比如案例中给你四个人物的描述,让你确定他们分别属于moneylaundering/fraudulent trading/insider dealing哪一类。

5、考试过程中,考生必须用case来支持答案,但是fact of thecase是不需要在答案中详细摘录的,在学习过程中,fact是帮助理解的极好手段,也是解答案例分析题的极好参考。正确地应用statutory legislation,以及section number,在答题中也是必须的。
