A Trip to vancouver

2024-12-04 21:10:55

I have been to Vancouver last winter holiday.It is a young city for it has only a hundred year or more histroy.Although it's a young city it is evaluated as one of the most beautiful cities around the world.There are many park in the city and the Zhongshan Park impressed me the most.It was built for the honor of Sun Zhongshan.Generally speaking,the trip to Vancouver was great and how I want to go there again!


中山公园位于温哥华china town,那里全是吸毒 黑社会 妓女的红灯区。公园巨小,里面什么都没有,而且很脏,只有华人旅行团才去,一般的华裔连碰都不碰!

但我住温哥华 哈哈:D