commit 在英语中并非只用于 “commit a crime" 之类的负面词义,也用于表达 do、perform、put in trust or charge、entrust 等意思。
committed 是形容词(现在许多词典已经将 committed 单列成词条),意思是”致力于”、“献身于”、“忠实于”、“有意于” (dedicated, devoted, loyal, intent)等等。例:
He said the government remained committed to attaining peace.
committed 还与 involved、promised、engaged 等词同义或近义:
It would have meant cancelling several meetings which I was already committed to.
作为一种修辞手段,committed and involved 合起来用也是可以的,意思是“全身心地投入”。
后评:此句不像是中国学生写的英文。句中有些词的运用是很地道而又有修辞功底的,如 committed and involved、effectively very active、和 to follow and validate 等。
She has kept her promise of studying hard, and has actively kept up with the the learning pace and tried to pass all the courses.
commit作为正面的动词,其意义是致力于、献身于,这是很大的词,一般用于奉献终身的事业,在这里是不合适的。而且用时要和to连用,commit (oneself) to sth. 履行承诺用keep promise.
effectively very active, 这个effectively无论中文英文都挺费解的,有效地积极?英文里也不是这样用的。follow后面要跟具体内容的,不然看不明白。而且follow的意思是在时间或者距离上跟着人或事,不是跟上的意思,这里用keep up with比较合适。
validate是验证合法化的意思,通过课程绝对不能用它,pass是对的。你哪怕用qualify all the courses(取得资格)都可以。validate a course是教学主任的事,不是学生的事。。。
互证叫做cross reference或是cross examine, 和validate没有关系。。。
She kept her promise to participate in studying,followed actively and tried to pass the course.