Do you like rock? SKID ROW bands you know this? Perhaps you do not know, however, Each one will have heard of like rock song "<18 AND LIFE>> formed in SKID ROW in 1986 and started with only two people, Later, to five individuals. They lead singer Sebastian Bach, the first guitarist Dave. Second guitarist Scotti Hill, Stonyroc Bolan and drummer Rob Affuso. They are a very good rock band sector. a heavy metal style, they play a very open, often jumped from the stage, if you read their performance. you would think they are insane. But in fact, the song is very pleasant to the ear, for example, 18 AND LIFE this song. You will be listening to it when they feel crazy! SKID ROW, a rock group. My favorite bands!
Do you like rock? SKID ROW bands you know this? Perhaps you do not know, however, Each one will have heard of like rock song "<18 AND LIFE>> formed in SKID ROW in 1986 and started with only two people, Later, to five individuals. They lead singer Sebastian Bach, the first guitarist Dave. Second guitarist Scotti Hill, Stonyroc Bolan and drummer Rob Affuso. They are a very good rock band sector. a heavy metal style, they play a very open, often jumped from the stage, if you read their performance. you would think they are insane. But in fact, the song is very pleasant to the ear, for example, 18 AND LIFE this song. You will be listening to it when they feel crazy! SKID ROW, a rock group. My favorite bands!
Do you like rock n' roll ?Do you know the rock band Skid Row?Well maybe you don't,but everyone who likes rock must have heard their famous song <18 and life>.
Skid Row was founded in 1986,at first there were only 2 people in the band,then it has become 5.These guys are ,lead vocal Sebastian Bach,lead guitarist Dave,rythem guitarist scott hill,bassist bolan and rob affuso on drums.They are an outstanding band in the land of rock which plays heavy metal.they played so high that they often jumped down from the stage.If you have been to their show,you would definetely think they were mad.but actually ,their songs are fabulous.just like 18 and life,you can feel their passion and carzy when you hear it!
Skid Row,a rock band,a rock band of my favourite!
You like the rock and roll? You know SKID the ROW this rock and roll orchestra? Perhaps you did not know, but, each likes the rock and roll the human could listen to their song <<18 AND LIFE>>
SKID the ROW composition in 1986, at first only then two people, afterwards developed to 5 individual. They initiate Sebastian Bach, first guitar player Dave, second guitar player Scotti Hill, shell department Bolan and drummer Rob Affuso. they are in a rock and roll extremely splendid orchestra, by the heavy metal style primarily, they plays very much opens, jumps down frequently from the stage, if you have watched their performance, you can certainly think they are the lunatic. But, their song extremely is in fact pleasant to hear, for example 18 AND the LIFE this first song, is listening to its time you also can feel their crazy!
SKID ROW, a rock and roll orchestra, I most likes rock and roll orchestra!