
2025-03-01 06:55:47

  - 2010 - Inception - 奠基
  - 2009 -Sherlock Holmes 大侦探福尔摩斯
  - 2009 -Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare2 -使命召唤: 现代战争2
  - 2009 - Angels & Demons - 天使与魔鬼
  - 2009 -THE DARK KNIGHT-蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士(奥斯卡最佳音乐剪辑)
  - 2008 - Kung Fu Panda-功夫熊猫
  - 2007 - Pirates of the Caribbean3: At World's End - 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头
  - 2007 -BATMAN BEGINS-蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜
  -2006 - THE HOLIDAY 恋爱假期
  - 2006 - Pirates of the Caribbean2: Dead Man's Chest - 加勒比海盗2:亡灵的宝藏
  - 2006 - The Da Vinci Code – 达.芬奇密码
  - 2005 - Blood+ - (日本动漫)
  - 2005 – Madagascar – 马达加斯加
  - 2005 - Kingdom of Heaven – 天国王朝
  - 2005 - The Ring 2 – 午夜凶铃2
  - 2004 - The Last Samurai – 最后的武士
  - 2004 - Shark Tale – 鲨鱼黑帮F
  - 2004 - King Arthur – 亚瑟王
  - 2003 – Tears of the Sun – 太阳之泪
  - 2003 - Whale Rider – 鲸骑士
  - 2002 – Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron – 小马精灵
  - 2002 - mission impossible II – 碟中谍2
  - 2002 - The Ring – 午夜凶铃
  - 2001 - Riding in Cars with Boys - 和男孩们一起开车
  - 2001 - Pearl Harbor – 珍珠港
  - 2001 - Hannibal - 汉尼拔
  - 2001 - The Pledge – 誓言
  - 2000 - An Everlasting Piece -
  - 2000 - Mission: Impossible II - 碟中谍II
  - 2000 - Gladiator - 角斗士
  - 2000 - The Road to El Dorado - 黄金国之路
  - 1999 - Chill Factor - 危机专家
  - 1998 - The Thin Red Line - 红色警戒
  - 1998 - The Prince of Egypt - 埃及王子
  - 1998 - The Last Days -
  - 1997 - As Good As It Gets - 尽善尽美
  - 1997 - Scream 2 - 尖声惊叫2
  - 1997 - The Peacemaker - 和平制造者(战略杀手)
  - 1997 - Smilla's Sense of Snow -
  - 1996 - The Rock - 石破天惊
  - 1996 - The Preacher's Wife - 天空下的奇迹
  - 1996 - The Whole Wide World -
  - 1996 - The Fan - 血影狂迷
  - 1996 - Muppet Treasure Island - 金银岛探险记
  - 1996 - Broken Arrow - 断箭
  - 1995 - Two Deaths -
  - 1995 - Something to Talk About - 谈情说爱(爱情魔力)
  - 1995 - Nine Months - 九月怀胎
  - 1995 - Beyond Rangoon -
  - 1995 - Crimson Tide - 赤色风暴
  - 1994 - I'll Do Anything -
  - 1994 - Monkey Trouble -
  - 1994 - Renaissance Man -
  - 1994 - Drop Zone -
  - 1994 - The Lion King - 狮子王
  - 1994 - Africa: The Serengeti -
  - 1993 - Calendar Girl -
  - 1993 - Cool Runnings -
  - 1993 - Point of No Return -
  - 1993 - Younger and Younger -
  - 1993 - The House of the Spirits -
  - 1993 - True Romance - 浪漫风暴(绝命大煞星)
  - 1993 - Sniper -
  - 1992 - A League of Their Own - 骄阳岁月
  - 1992 - The Power of One -
  - 1992 - Radio Flyer -
  - 1992 - Where Sleeping Dogs Lie -
  - 1992 - Toys -
  - 1991 - K2 -
  - 1991 - Regarding Henry - 意外的人生
  - 1991 - White Fang -
  - 1991 - Thelma & Louise - 末路狂花
  - 1991 - Backdraft - 烈火雄心
  - 1990 - Chicago Joe and the Showgirl -
  - 1990 - Days of Thunder - 雷霆壮志(霹雳男儿)
  - 1990 - Fools of Fortune -
  - 1990 - Green Card -
  - 1990 - Nightmare at Noon -
  - 1990 - Pacific Heights -
  - 1990 - Bird on a Wire -
  - 1989 - Black Rain -
  - 1989 - Diamond Skulls -
  - 1989 - Wiezien Rio -
  - 1989 - Driving Miss Daisy - 为戴茜小姐开车(山水喜相逢)
  - 1988 - Burning Secret -
  - 1988 - The Fruit Machine -
  - 1988 - Paperhouse -
  - 1988 - Spies Inc. -
  - 1988 - Taffin -
  - 1996 - Twister - 龙卷风
  - 1988 - A World Apart -
  - 1988 - Rain Man - 雨人
  - 1987 - The Wind -
  - 1987 - Castaway -
  - 1988 - Terminal Exposure -
  - 1986 - Separate Vacations -
  - 1985 - Insignificance -
  - 1985 - Histoire d'O: Chapitre 2 -
  - 1985 - Success Is the Best Revenge -
  - 1985 - Eureka -
  - 1985 - Moonlighting -



