Respect of Sam sir, I to introduce you our vanda pump car off system and close system and their advantages and disadvantages.
Respect of Sam sir, I to introduce you our vanda pump car off system and close system and their advantages and disadvantages.
Open system: open cycle system is a hydraulic pump directly from the fuel tank oil absorption, high pressure hydraulic oil by reversing valves, drive the Lord hydraulic cylinder, return oil again by reversing valves back to tank
Advantages: 1) structure is simple, and can play the tank heat dissipation and precipitation impurities action; (2) pressure tank is bigger, with good performance of self-priming pumps, pump not easy absorption of empty; (3) internal also have leak, but no more oil. Faults: 1), pressure loss bigger, energy loss is higher; (2) the vehicle impact is bigger, especially large lateral wobble pump car. (3) the hydraulic oil often contact with air, which makes air easy infiltration system, easy to institutions such as sports don't smooth consequences.
Close system: closed loop system of main oil pump into or out of oil mouths and Lord oil cylinder composed a closed directly connected, the hydraulic oil. Advantages: (1) currently closed cycle variable pump are hydraulic system is integrated structure, will fill oil, overflow, control function valve group and fill in the hydraulic pump integration, make the pipeline connection become simple. Improve the reliability of system operation process, simplified; (2) fill oil system emissions change of high system, still can increase action frequency master pump JinYou mouth place pressure, which can effectively improve the speed and prevent pump pump suction empty. (3 improves the stability of vehicle pump truck, high work efficiency. Weakness: 1) there is no oil filters on main return, iron or sand into the match, eventually leading to pump oil pan scrap; (2) closed cycle hydraulic systems are more open cycle hydraulic system complex, generally for tank is lesser, hydraulic oil filter conditions of heat and is a bit poor.
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