The green trade barrier essence is a kind of new form of TBT (Technical barriers to trade). Permeate the international trade rule and become a kind of world trends with environmental protection, the green trade barrier has undoubtedly already become and continued another important trade measure after the anti-dumping measure. Analyse the green impact on China's export trade of trade barrier from the dialectical , dynamic angle overallly deeply, break through this brand-new theory with importance of trade barrier and realistic directive significance to the thing that China enters the WTO . It helps to comply with the environmental protection requirement growing to even greater heights in the whole world, improves the international competitiveness of the products of our country. This text states the definition of the green barrier, green question to influence of various fields and measure that should be taken that our country cause ,etc. of barrier mainly. According to present practice, perfect the trade regulation and standard of environmental protection of our country, set up green trade barrier prewarning and fast reaction mechanism , rely on the pollution-free industry of the development in science and technology to be that several key measures that our country crosses over the green trade barrier are here.
Green trade barriers is essentially technical barriers to a new form. Along with the Environmental Protection infiltrated the rules of international trade has become a global trend. Green trade barriers has undoubtedly become the anti-dumping measures after another important trade measures. From the dialectic and dynamic point of view a comprehensive and profound analysis of green trade barriers against Chinese exports and trade, After China's accession to the WTO on this new breakthrough in trade barriers is an important theoretical and practical significance. It is conducive to comply with growing global environmental requirements, and improve the international competitiveness. This paper addresses the definition of green barriers, green barriers on the various aspects of the impact of the measures that should be taken and other issues. Judging from the current practice and improve China's environmental trade regulations and standards, green trade barriers warning and rapid response mechanism relying on science and technology development of green industries is green trade barriers across several key measures.