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2025-03-14 04:52:20

Garden planning,landscaping planning refers to arrange landscape construction determined comprehensively, nature of the project, scale, development direction, main content, infrastructure, space comprehensive layout, construction stage and investment estimation of activities. Landscape planning include famous scenic sites planning, urban green space system planning and park planning; Area is larger and complex area, according to the planning phase can be divided into planning general outline, overall planning and detailed planning. The key architecture planning, construction conditions for: analysis research problems, main functions and determine the garden construction scale, control the method of development and intensity, determine the land and land, land and project between between the feasibility of the project, and the economy between the time and spatial relationship reasonable.


From Beijing Olympic green with the great social effect and Shanghai world expo to greening, we all can see value in urban development garden planning plays how important role. From the historical haze in the garden planning go to the reception desk in this period of development process greatly expanded their connotation, will architecture planning and expanding urban level, provincial level, state level, and even the whole earth level, famous experts SunXiaoXiang professor would have been calling for the earth ruralize. The development of the society also determines the garden industry must assume greater responsibility and mission.

Professional prospect

Garden plants production is an important part of the national economy, urban ecology, landscape, rural and urban environment is the state construction beautify the priority. Therefore, garden specialty is benefit mankind, prospects unlimited professional.

Edit this paragraph training characteristics

This professional in garden plant and landscape planning and design theories and skills training both. The student both familiar with garden plant species and habits, but also has garden artistic accomplishment and drawing strength; Can be engaged in garden plant breeding, cultivation, circulation, application and garden enterprise management, and can perform landscape planning, design, construction and maintenance.





