
2025-03-03 10:52:36

The traditional electron safe alarm system mainly is through thesensor automatic detection, produces the alarm, sends out the alarmfrom the scene or reports to the police through the special electriccable near distance, thus causes people's vigilance. Through manyyears research and the development, the present alarm apparatus maysay is the class is multitudinous. As a result of the alarm apparatusrapid development and the social each domain anxious need, can theapplication domain be more and more many, specially is rapidlydevelops in the civil domain. In recent years, the infrared alarmapparatus already became reports to the police a domain hot spot,because it used was not the obviously infrared acquisition, thereforehad the hiding to be good, characteristic and so on security. Theinfrared sensor is different according to the mechanism may divideinto the light survey and the hot survey.
The light acquisition sensor is uses the photon effect the infraredacquisition aid. This kind of sensor speed of response quick, thesensitivity high, the examination characteristic is good, but needs tocool, uses not conveniently. Moreover the component examinationsensitivity and the infrared wave length concern. The hot acquisitionsensor is uses hotly releases the electricity effect the infraredacquisition aid. After receives the goal the infrared radiationtemperature increment, the temperature elevates causes the sensorinterior certain physical quantities changes, through examinationphysical quantity change definite infrared emission. This kind ofsensor works under the room temperature condition, examinationsensitivity also very high, speed of response also very quick,moreover has nothing to do with with the infrared emission wavelength, may survey the power only to receive the background radiationthe limit, the application is very convenient. This article designs isthe passive form hotly releases the electricity infrared acquisitionaid. In the article mainly elaborated has hotly released theelectricity the principle, hotly releases content and so on manyalarm circuit which the electric detector the characteristic,the BISS0001 signal processor, 555 timers composed. Finallydesigned completes has hotly released the electricity infrareddetection alarm apparatus the hardware electric circuit.