
2025-03-05 09:25:17

  有没有留意到你看上的他有任何行为变化呢?他有没有说过什么从没说过的话?如果有的话,那他可能真的爱上你了!  Men are very action motivated, they don't express their feelings verbally. They'd rather make you figure it out on your own. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as he tells you how he feels at the right time.   Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach when you think about his new motives? You probably feel the same way about him. I know you've heard others say that it takes time for men to love their women. That's true to an extent. Love doesn't hold any boundaries, it comes when you least expect it to. This strong emotion normally comes about 1 year of dating. If you've been with him for only 5 months, then he's infatuated with you.   当想到他的新举动,你是不是也会心里一阵骚动呢?那很可能你俩就是互相看对眼!我知道你也许听过那种说法:男人要花点时间才会真正爱上他们的女人。在一定程度上是对的。爱没有界限,可能你最不期待时它就来了。这种强烈的情感通常会在约会一年之后发生。而如果你跟他在一起只有5个月,那不叫爱,那是迷恋。   The difference between love and infatuation is that love is a more intense feeling. When you're infatuated with someone, your feelings are a bit different. He may feel like he loves you, but he only cares deeply for you. When a man really loves a woman, he'll do anything for her. The main hints he'll throw are very easy to catch.   爱和迷恋的分别就在于爱是更为强烈的情感。而当你迷恋一个人,那是不同的感觉。也许他都觉得自己是爱你的,但他其实只是很关心你而已。当一个男人真的爱上一个女人,他会愿意为她做任何事。而他给的最主要的暗示其实很容易抓到。    1. His body language肢体语言  If you haven't noticed his body language, pay more attention to it. He'll begin to walk with poise and wrap his arms around you. I know men do this when they don't love a woman, but he'll do it more often if the feelings are there.   如果你还没注意到他的肢体语言,那真是要花点儿心思。走路的时候,他会搂着你的肩——我知道男人不爱你的时候也许也这么干,但如果他爱你,他一定会做的更多。    2. His grin笑容  He'll look at you with a big smile and the look in his eyes will change. The eyes do all the communicating for you. His facial expression won't go away quickly. Gaze into his eyes and you'll know what I'm talking about.    3. Hyperness 潜意识中的行为  If he's the calm type, he'll become more hyperactive around you. I've noticed this in my boyfriend. You'll see this sign if you look closely. Men aren't hard to read, you have to take the time to read them.   如果他本身是很冷静的类型,在你身边他会变得很活跃。我在我男朋友身上看到了这一点。如果你够仔细你就会发现这个。男人其实也不难懂,你只是需要时间慢慢了解他们。