众所周知,现在有一些大学生在大学期间兼职,关于大学生该不该兼职,历来有许多不同看法,有人说好,也有人说不好。我觉得,大学生兼职有好处也有不好处,下面我们将从不同方面讨论大学生兼职的问题好坏。 有人说,大学生兼职好,因为在大学期间,课程较少,学生可以利用课余时间在校内外兼职,这样可以锻炼自我的交际的能力和工作能力,可以提高自我的阅历和经验,可以获得一定得收入,给父母减轻一些负担,可以使自己不断成长,增强适应社会能力。但是也有人说大学生兼职不好,因为 大学生时间少,如果不抓紧时间,学不到扎实的基础知识;并且可能会影响和舍友之间的关系;还有大量的时间花在兼职上,这样会使自己很累。 所以,大学生该不该兼职,需要从实际角度出发,如果你的学业处理好,当然可以去兼职,但是如果连学业都处理不好,还是减少兼职的好。
As everyone knows, there are some part-time college students during the period of University, college students about the part-time job, there are many different views, some people say, some people say is not good. I think, college students part-time can be good or bad, as we discuss below or part-time students problem from different aspects.
Some people say, good for college, because during the period of University, curriculum is less, students can use their spare time to part-time in school, so you can exercise their communication skills and ability to work, can improve the self experience and experience, can obtain certain income, alleviate some of the burden to the parents, can make oneself grow up, enhance the ability to adapt to society. But some people say that part-time college students is not good, because the students less time, if we do not seize the time, less than a solid foundation of knowledge; and may affect the relationship between the roommate; and the amount of time spent on the part-time job, which will make their own very tired.
So, university students should not get a part-time job, need from a practical point of view, if you study well, of course you can get a part-time job, but even if the school is not handled properly, or reduce the part-time.
As is known to all, there are some part-time jobs during the university, college students should about college students part-time job, there are many different views, some people said yes, others say is not good. I think, college students part-time is good also have not good, now we will discuss the problem of college students part-time is good or bad from different aspects. Some people say that college students part-time is good, because during the university, course is less, students can make use of their spare time part-time on campus and off, so that can exercise the ability of communication and the ability to work, can improve the experience of self and experience, can obtain a certain income, to alleviate some burden parents, can make oneself grow, enhance their ability to adapt to the society. But some say part-time college students is not good, because students less time, if you don't hurry up and learn to be less than solid basis of knowledge; And may influence and the relationship between the roommates; There are a lot of time spent on part-time job, this will make myself very tired. So, college students should part-time, need from the practical perspective, if your studies deal with good, can go to a part-time job, of course, but if even the academic processes is not good, or reduce the part-time job is good.