
2025-03-07 01:41:45


AAMOF as a matter of fact 实际上

AFAIK as far as I know 具我所知

AKA also known as 亦称

ASAP as soon as possible 尽快

BBL be back later 等一下回来

B/C because 因为

BBIAF be back in a few minutes 马上回来

BITMT but in the meantime 但是与此同时

BOT back on topic 回到主题上来

BRB be right back 马上回来

BTW by the way 顺便说一句

BSY be seeing you 再见

BYAM between you and me 在你我之间

BYE? are you finished chatting? 要说再见了么?

CU/CUL see you/see you later 再见

CWOT complete waste of time 完全是浪费时间

DAIK damned as I know 要是我知道就好了

DIY do it yourself 自己做

EOD end of discussion 结束争论

EZ easy 容易

FAI frequently argued issue 经常讨论的问题

FAQ frequent asked questions 常见问题

FITB fill in the blank 特别强调

FYA for you amusement 供你消遣

FOAF friend of a friend 朋友的朋友

F2F/FTF face to face 面对面

FTTT from time to time 有时

FOS freedom of speech 言论自由

FUA frequently used acronyms 经常用的缩写词

FWIW for what it's worth 不论真伪

FYI for your information 为你提供信息

GOK god only knows 只有上帝知道答案

HHOK ha ha,only kidding 哈哈,只不过开个玩笑

HHOJ ha ha,only joking 哈哈,只不过开个玩笑

IAC in any case 总之

IAE in any event 无论如何

IC I see 我明白了

ICQ I seek you 我寻找你

ILY I love you 我爱你

IMO in my opinion 按我的意见

IMHO in my humble opinion 依我拙见

IMOSHO in my not so humble opinion 恕我直言

IOW in other way 换句话说

IWBNI it would be nice of 要是……该多好

JIC just in case 以防万一

LOL laughing out loud 放声大笑

MORF? male or female? 男士或女士?

NC no comment 不必解释

NRN no response necessary 无须答复

OIC oh,I see 哦,我明白了

OTOH on the other hand 另一方面

PLS please 请

PMJI pardon my jumping in 请原谅我插入

RUOK? are you OK? 你好么?

RTM read the manual 阅读手册吧

SITD still in the dark 仍然不知道

SYSOP system operator 系统操作员

THX thanks 多谢

TFS thanks for sharing 多谢你与我分享

TIA thanks in advance 事先表示感谢

TIC tongue in cheek 假心假意

TMK to my knowledge 据我所知

TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge 尽我所知

TTYL talk to you later 以后再聊

U you 你

Ur your 你的

WB welcome back 欢迎你回来

WIIWD what it is we do 这正是我们要做的

WYSIWYG what you see is what you get所见即所得

WRT with respect to 很荣幸

Y why 为什么



