Dear Anne,I'm LiHua,how have you been these days?I have found that you looks much different these days than before.You are always outgoing and active in my opinion,but I'm wondering that you look like very upset and unhappy recently.Is there any trouble that you have got into?Is there any bad things that have influenced your mood?I'm really worry about you,but I don't know that what matter with you and what has happened.Beacuae of this,I feel unhappy too.After all,we're the best friends,I will be very upset If you get into trouble.So please just tell me what has hapened,ahd I really want to help you for be together with you to solve the problem.You konw I'll stand by your side forever,remember we're the best friends.So Just tell me what I can do for you,let's solve the problem together!YoursLi HuaJuly 5th
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