拜占庭之名原起于一座靠海的古希腊移民城市,公元 330年罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世在此建城,作为罗马帝国的陪都,并改名为君士坦丁堡。君士坦丁堡位于连接黑海到爱琴海之间的战略水道博斯普鲁斯海峡,扼制海陆商业要道,地理位置十分优越。公元395年庞大的罗马帝国饱受各路蛮族侵扰,为便于管辖而将帝国一分为二,东部帝国即以君士坦丁堡为首府,因此东罗马帝国又称为拜占庭帝国。公元476年西罗马帝国在经历了包括匈奴和诸多日耳曼部落的反复侵袭之后终于咽下了最后一口气,拜占庭遂成为唯一的罗马人帝国——实际上他们一直以纯正罗马血统自居。
The original name of Byzantium from the sea in an ancient Greek city of immigrants, the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 330 AD, built in this city, as the provisional capital of the Roman Empire and renamed Constantinople. Constantinople in the connection between the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea, the Bosphorus, the strategic waterway, land and sea to curb the commercial hub, geographic location. 395 AD Roman Empire suffered from various quarters huge barbarian intrusion, for ease of jurisdiction and the Empire into two, the Eastern Empire in Constantinople as the capital is, therefore, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire Byzantine Empire. In the Western Roman Empire in AD 476, including the Huns and experienced many Germanic tribes, after repeated attacks finally swallowed the last breath, became the only Byzantine Roman Empire - in fact they have been to pure Roman descent itself.