We can see a person sitting in front of the computer to work, entertainment, and even at home can not be separated from the computer, to sleep in a dream to sit in front of the computer。
我们可以看到一个人坐在电脑前工作,娱乐, 甚至在家里也离不开电脑,睡觉做梦都梦自己坐在电脑前。
我们可以看到一个人坐在电脑前工作,娱乐, 甚至在家里也离不开电脑,睡觉做梦都梦自己坐在电脑前
We can see a person sitting in front of a computer for work or entertainment. And they cannot leave the computer at home, and even dream them sitting in front of a computer while sleeping
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