帮忙翻译短语 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!,直接用翻译器的滚!!!!!11

2025-02-26 04:40:30

横穿太平洋 cross the pacific
梦想去月球 dream to go to the moon
调查的结果 survey result
成千上万的学生 thousands of students
参加活动 participate in an event/activity
尽快开始工作 start to work as soon as possible
为父母提供更好的工作 provide better job opportunities for parents
继续学习 continue to study/learn
根据调查 according to the survey
相当多的学生 a lot of students
愿意努力工作 be willing to work hard
实现他们的梦想 realize their dream(s)
去旅行 travel
不太现实的梦想 unrealistic dreams
坚持你的梦想 hang on to your dream
实现 realise
另一方面 on the other hand
最受欢迎的工作选择 the most popular job option


横穿太平洋 across the Pacific Ocean
梦想去月球 dream of going to the moon
调查的结果 the result of the survey
成千上万的学生 thousands of and millions of students
参加活动 take part in an activity / participate in an activity / join in an activity
尽快开始工作 start / begin working (to work) as soon as possible
为父母提供更好的工作 supply parents with better jobs
继续学习 continue to study (study); go on to study (studying); go on with study; keep studying
根据调查 according to the survey
相当多的学生 quite a few students
愿意努力工作 be willing to work hard
实现他们的梦想 realize their dream; make their dream come true
去旅行 go traveling / go for a tour / go for a travel
不太现实的梦想 an unpractical dream / a dream that is not pratical / a dream that is unpractical
坚持你的梦想 insist your dream/ keep your dream/ stick to your dream/ persist your dream
实现 come true
另一方面 on the other hand
最受欢迎的工作选择 the most popular choice of job


to strech over the Pacific Ocean
dream to travel the moon
the result of the survey
thousands of people
to join the activity
to start working as soon as possible
to apply better jobs for parents
to keep studying
according to the survey
quite a lot of students
be willing to work hard
to realize their dreams
to go on a trip
an unrealistic dream
to insist on your dream
to realize
on the other hand
the most popular choice of job



across The Pacific
dream of goning to the moon
result of the research
thousands of students
partcipate in the activties
start the job as soon as possible
provide better jiobs for parents
go on studying
base on the research
quite a few students
prefer to work hardly
realize their dream
insist your dream
(come to) realize
on the other hand
to be the most popular job on market
有些单词可能有错误 ,好久没怎么写了。


across the Pacific ocean
A dream to moon
the result of inquisition
thousands of students
attend the activity
start the work as soon as posible
provide better work for parents.
keep learning
based the inquisition
quite a number of students
have a willing to work hard
to realize their dream
to travel
a non- realistic dream
persevere your dream
other side
the most favorite work option