it is ______that/who
当去掉“it is that/who”仍可成为一句话,那么就是强调句
例如:It was in the park that they had a picnic yesterday.
可变为:They had a picnic in the park yesterday.
强调句的句形是it is ...(要强调的内容)that
要看它是不是强调句,就把it is ... that 去掉,再看这句话完整不完整。完整的就是强调句
举例:I bought a pen in a store.
强调是“我”买而不是别人买,就把我放在句子中间it is I that tbought a pen in a store
强调买的是“笔”,而不是别的东西,也这样写。it is the pen that I bought in a store
It is that是强调句