The present mood is not feeling well very much, was not I as soon asstarts wrong? You are that kind cannot undergo the lonely boredperson, I could not accompany you, I thought you met own mood not tobe good, like this I also thought was I incompetent, frequently couldbecause of do I not to be very unhappy like this, last night all hasnot had to present any mood, continually the class did not want to go,rested to past 1 o'clock, treated the computer in the dormitory to bein a daze, originally has not eaten the thing belly not to be hungryYou said feared I one day to be able to leave you, you can regardingthis the idea very sad, from that moment, I said to oneself, I cannotbe that kind of person, cannot leave you, in order to this is not thepledge the pledge, I continuously was persisting, originally thoughtall matters all process very much well, until recently you becauseschool class few, is staying daily in the dormitory, very bored, youcomplained, you need some people to let you not be bored, but I inthe school, I am impossible to let you need to accompany you toaccompany you All soon has worked, very quick can have each other thework, is that time impossible is you must how how, I had said, you andbetween my enterprise makes the choice, I can give up the enterpriseI hoped you are the person which that kind understands my idea, whybut you or can't thoroughly trust me to the present? I in thought,when I continuously was persisting oneself faith time, defends in HouZhuoxin this once to the present to your pledge, but you actuallychose leave give up me, what then I have been considered as? Then atthe appointed time I could be in the world the stupidest person Whycan I think the vacillation? Is your question or my question? Why canI have this idea? Why can I think you can choose leave I? Because Isaid, you bored can complain me, you withstand bored and are lonely,you are unhappy you to be able to ask you the good friend to exit, shecan lead you to drink, after drinks randomly is crazying drunk, I mostlook at only this kind of behavior This time you send the informationto say needs calm period of time, why? You unexpectedly say suchspeech to come, did not know is not you looked television too many, Ithorough have been disappointed, I finally feel am defeated this wordsand expressions