It is a long story.
2、他的名字我一时说不上来(用recall)I don't recall his name suddenly.
3、几天不交作业说不过去(it's really excusesable拼对着没?for)it's really inexcusable that undoing homework for a couple days.
4、你要订哪种杂志?(subscribe)Which magazine would you like to subscribe?
5、这本书没货,但可以帮你订(order或book)The book is unavailable now ,but it can be ordered for you.
6、你能把讲义(handout)订(bind)起来吗?can you bind the handout up?
7、zhong guo成功地bao zha了第一颗原字弹,这在全世界引起了巨大的反响。China has successfully exploded the first atomic bomb,which has a great effect on the whole world.
8、知之为知之,不知为不知。knowing is knowing,unknowing is unknowing.
9、基础设施infrastructure10、经济全球化。Economic globalization
下面是汉译英1.he crashed down on a protesting chair.他把椅子坐得吱吱作响。2.On his return from a recent tour of the far east,in the course of which he visited C~hina and J~apan,MR Smith described his impression to his friends.Smith先生在最近的一次远东之行期间游览了中国和日本,他一回来就向他的朋友们描述自己此次旅行的印象。
3.A new kind of aircraft-small,cheap.pilotless-is attracting increasing attion.一种新的小型,价格便宜,无人驾驶的飞机越来越引起人们的注意。
你好,上面的答案不满足要求,我帮你修改了下。英译汉:1, It is a long story . 2, I can not recall his name for a moment . 3, It's unexcuseable for you not hanging your homework for a few days.(你拼错了) 4, What kind of magazine do you want to subscribe? 5, This book has no reservation, but I can help you book one. 6, Can you bind the handout up? 7, China successfully exploded it's first atomic bomb, this has caused great echo all over the world. 8 When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it. (习语翻译) 9, Infrastructure 或者Base Installation(首字母要大写) 10, Economic globalization. (首字母要大写) 汉译英:
1 他被正义的力量扳倒了。 2 在他最近的一次远东旅行中,史密斯先生在中国和日本向他的朋友描绘了这次旅行给他的印象。 3 一种新型,廉价,无人驾驶的小飞机越来越引起人们的注意。(你的piotless少打了一个“l”)。 希望能帮到你,还有什么英语的疑问可以问我。