64位win7安装了TortoiseSVN 后不显示在右键菜单中,开始以为是版本低不支持Win7,查了下TortoiseSVN 的说明,发现FAQ中有这么一个问题:
After installing, TortoiseSVN does not show up, no context menus are available
Make sure you have installed the x64 version of TortoiseSVN if you're
using XP or Vista 64-bit. Since the explorer on those OS versions is a
64-bit application, it can not load the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN.
You can still keep the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN installed on
those OS versions though: it will show up in the 32-bit applications
file-open/save dialogs of those applications.