Everybody knew our specialty is the computer information management specialty.Along with the whole world take the information technology as leading technical revolution advancement quickening, the human society gradually enters the information society by the industry society.The information technology is the contemporary most potential new productive forces, the information resource is the economical and the social development important strategic resources.The informationization becomes the various countries' economy and the technical competition commanding point, the informationization degree has become weighs a national and the local modernization level and the synthesis strength important symbol.
This specialty requests us to be able skilled to use the enterprises and institutions commonly used office software, has the skilled computer system operation ability and the commonly used tool software use skill; Can participate in the enterprise economy management and carry on the analysis to the economic activity, makes the forecast and the decision-making, has carries on the social economy investigation, the market forecast decision-making, the economic activity analysis, composition specialized report ability independently; Has the computer information system plan and development preliminary ability, understands this specialized correlation domain the development tendency; The grasping literature retrieval, the material inquiry, the collection essential method, has certain practical work ability; Can set up internal network system, and can manage and carry on the multimedia manufactures ability.
At last , hope our classmate can get a satisfied job in four year later.
thank you
Everybody knew our specialty is the computer information managementspecialty. Along with the whole world take the information technologyas leading technical revolution advancement speeding up, the humansociety gradually enters the information society by the industrysociety. The information technology is the present age most has thepotential the new productive forces, the information resource is theimportant strategic resources which the economy and the societydevelops. The information turns into for the various countries'economy and the technical competition commanding point, theinformation degree has become weighs a national and the localmodernization level and the synthesis strength important symbol.
This specialty requests us to be able skilled to use business unitcommonly used office software, has the skilled computer systemoperation ability and the commonly used tool software use skill; Canparticipate in the enterprise economy management and carry on theanalysis to the economic activity, makes the forecast and thedecision-making, has independently carries on the social economyinvestigation, the market forecast decision-making, the economicactivity analysis, composes the specialized report the ability; Hasthe computer information system the plan and the developmentpreliminary ability, understands this specialized correlation domainthe development tendency; Grasps the literature retrieval, thematerial inquiry, the collection essential method, has the certainpractical work ability; Can set up the internal network system, andcan manage and carry on the multimedia manufacture the ability.
Finally hoped our class the schoolmate all will be able to have asatisfactory work in 4 years later.