SHINHWA- (合) one two three four back to the one two one two three back to yeah one two three four back to the one two one two three back to yeah (MINWOO) 难努波够一姐 够五同内搜 摸力路慢结努巧K 家西你K 够咯嘎 妈路够口西普得 啊季卡其努路坡给 OH YEAH (DONGWAN) 难努穷C 爸秋头夜搜嘎冷大黑都 那路米咯卖季摸大论够 (HYESUNG) 乃嘎苏没 红西求咯土普努K黑久 你嘎那路妈土苏为给 (合) one two three four back to the one two one two three back to yeah one two three four back to the one two one two three back to yeah (RAP-ANDY) If I take you out to shop you go wow If I take you place that you wanna go hit me from the back don't stop now let's go hit it hit it one more (RAP-ERIC 略) (MINWOO) 难努波够一姐 够五累同内搜 瓦掐捏古其努秋K K口Q能家度能 闹路切苏嘎奥搜 男路为黑穷毕断拿家因得 OH YEAH (DONGWAN) 难努穷C 爸秋头夜搜嘎冷大黑都 那路米咯卖季摸大论够 (HYESUNG) 乃嘎苏没 红西求咯土普努K黑久 你嘎那路妈土苏为给 (RAP-JUNJIN 略) (HYESUNG) Just one never let you go~ yeah~~ 灯拿欧给季卖狗路木内给喽 其卡木图三嘎季三改 one two three one more time (DONGWAN) 他西五妈给 怕Q得其买盖楼 you're my girl you're my girl,it's alright Just one night can't never wait you come back (HYESUNG) 难苏土C 卡图摸给搜努图内给哈都 力啊你季哈K妈楼打九 (MINWOO) 难苏摸给西几恰努 姐苏为给黑秋 西个妈的妈部苏为给 (DONGWAN) 送刚你给其 努爱妈米内给咯 其嘎木土三盖其三盖 one two three two more time (be my girl) (HYESUNG) 你嘎努爸定 大搜得其没给楼 come back girl come back girl,it's alright (合) come back girl one more time