1. Product size: 210x285mm
2. Paper type: cover and the insides are all Zixing 105g bronze paper
3. Number of pages per book: 36 pages (cover + insides)
4. Number of books to be printed: 4000
5. Printing colour: Standard four-coloured print
6. Printing style: horseback set staple
7. Printing cost: $1.23 (RMB) per single book. Total cost: $88888 (RMB)
8. How to pay: Pay in cash of the total price before the printing of each issue
Specification of the first kind. (This book is monthly)
1: Size:210*285mm
2: Paper: Top & inner all are the 105G chrome paper.
3: Page: Total 36pages
4: Presswork quantity: 4000pcs
5: Color: All are the CMKY printing.
6: Bookbinding: 骑马订(这个工艺不大清楚是怎么操作的)
7:Price:CNY1.12/pc Total:CNY88888.00
8:Payment term:On Cash before each printing.