1.In A One-Hundred Year Strategy of a Nation, Education Is The Most Important Basic
2.everyone borns equal或everybody was born equal 林肯说过 美国《独立宣言》里面的
3.No pains, no gains
4.Solange der Zweck gerechtfertigt ist, kann man skrupellos seine Mittel einsetzen.
1. Education which lasts for generations is the most important.
2. All men are created equal.
3. No pains, no gains.
4. If the goal is reasonable, the means is not important.
Great project depends on education。
All men are born equal
No pains ,no gains
It doesn‘t matter that what means we use if the purpose is proper(或者与违法相对的)
或者what means we use doesn‘t matter if the purpose is proper(or legal)
英文不像中文能对仗工整,我已经尽力了……= =
Plan for ten decades; education sets the basics.
Every man is born equal.
No pain, no gain.
As long as ends are justified, ways shall not matter.
1.Education is the basic of a One-Hundred Year Strategy of a Nation.
2.Every man was born equal.
3.No pain,no gain.
4.The method is not important as long as the purpose is right.