at work
I'm at work on a new project now. 我现在正忙于一个新工程
Inflationary forces at work in the economy. 在经济领域中通货膨胀的作用
in the works
Has a novel in the works. 有一部正在酝酿的小说
out of work
put in work
work both sides of the street
work like a charm
work (one's) fingers to the bone
work in
1. 插进或引进
Worked in a request for money. 话锋一转要起钱来
2. 安插:为…制造机会,如在日程表中
Said the doctor would try to work her in. 大夫说将尽力为她抽出时间看病
3. 努力插入:经过反复的或不断的努力使被插进去
work into
1. 插进或引进
2. 为某人或某物制造机会
Worked a few field trips into the semester's calendar.
3. 努力插入:经过重复的或不断的努力使被插到里面去
Worked the pick into the lock. 把撬锁的尖头工具插到锁里去
work off
1. 通过工作或努力除掉
Work off extra pounds; work off a debt.除掉多余的重量;用工作清偿债务
work out
1. 通过工作或努力完成
2. 找到解答;解决
Worked out the equations; worked out their personal differences.解出方程式;找到他们个人的区别
3. 作出,制定出
Work out a plan制定计划
4. 偿还:用劳力替代金钱,以免除(义务或债务)
5. 成功,令人满意:证明成功的、有效的或令人满意的
The new strategy may not work out.新战略也许不会有令人满意的效果
6. 有特定的结果
The ratio works out to an odd number. It worked out that everyone left on the same train.
7. 锻炼身体:为身体状态致力于艰苦的锻炼
8. 耗尽(如矿)
work over
1. 翻新:重新加工翻新;重做
2. 【俚语】 痛打:给予严重身体伤害;痛打
work up
1. 激起情感;使兴奋
2. 渐渐加强
Worked up to 30 sit-ups a day; worked up to store manager.
The film works up to a thrilling climax.
3. 努力促成:经过脑力的或体力的努力发展或产生
Worked up a patient profile; worked up an appetite.
give someone the works informal 非正式
1. 对某人和盘托出
2. 让某人吃苦头,折磨某人
have one's work cut out
1. 面临艰巨的任务;十分忙碌
set to work (或 set someone to work)
1. 开始工作;使着手工作
a spanner (或北美
1. 从中捣乱的人;破坏计划的人(或事)
the work of ——
1. 费一定工夫的事
It was the work of a moment to discover the tiny stab wound.一会就能找出那刺破的小伤口。
work one's ass (或 butt 等) off
1. (粗俚)拼命干
work one's fingers to the bone
work to rule
1. (主英)故意死扣规章而减低生产效率,变相怠工
work one's passage
1. 在船上打工代付船费
work one's way through university (或 college 等)
1. 打工挣钱读完大学,勤工俭学读完大学
work one's will on/upon
1. 把意志强加于
She set a coiffeur to work his will on her hair.
work wonders
She set a coiffeur to work his will on her hair.
work something in
1. 把…穿插进去;把…插入
work something off
1. (以工作)抵偿债务
2. (通过工作、活动等)消除,去除
One of those gimmicks for working off aggression.
work someone out
1. 理解,弄懂(人的个性)
work something out
1. 解决;计算
2. 制定;拟订(计划等)
Work out a seating plan.
3. (诗/文)努力做好;刻苦完成
Malicious fates are bent on working out an ill intent.
4. 采尽(矿)
5. 同 work something off above
work someone over
1. (非正式)粗暴对待;痛打
the coppers had worked him over a little just for the fun of it。
work to
1. 根据(计划,体系)行事
working to tight deadlines。
work up to
1. 逐步发展到,逐渐达到
the course starts with landing technique, working up to jumps from an enclosed platform。
work someone up
1. 激发,激起(激动、愤怒、焦虑等情感)
he got all worked up and started shouting and swearing。
work something up
1. 发展成;使完满
painters were accustomed to working up compositions from drawings。
2. 通过活动出(一身汗)
despite the cold, George had already worked up a fair sweat。
arrange work for sb 为某人安排工作
bring a work to a close 结束一项工作
carry a work to its conclusion 完成一项工作
carry on work 做工作
come back to one's work 回来继续工作
complete work 完成工作
continue one's work 继续工作
die at one's work 殉职
do work 做工作,干工作
find work 找到工作
finish work 完成工作,结束工作
get through work 完成工作
give work to 给…提供工作
go about one's work 着手工作,开始工作
go to work 去上班
handle work 处理工作
leave work 歇工
leave off work 中止工作
look for work 找工作
perform work 从事工作
quit work 停止工作
return to work 回去工作,重新上班
set about one's work 着手工作,开始工作
set to work 开始工作,着手工作
simplify the work 简化工作
take on work 承担工作
want work 需要工作,要求工作
exhibit one's works 展出自己的作品
publish a work 出版著作
accomplish splendid work 取得优异的成绩
arrange work for sb 为某人安排工作
begin work 开始工作
bring a work to a close 结束一项工作
carry a work to its conclusion 完成一项工作
carry on work 做工作
come back to one's work 回来继续工作
complete work 完成工作
continue one's work 继续工作
die at one's work 殉职
do work 做工作,干工作
find work 找到工作
finish work 完成工作,结束工作
get through work 完成工作
give work to 给…提供工作
go about one's work 着手工作,开始工作
go to work 去上班
handle work 处理工作
leave work 歇工
leave off work 中止工作
look for work 找工作
perform work 从事工作
quit work 停止工作
return to work 回去工作,重新上班
set about one's work 着手工作,开始工作
set to work 开始工作,着手工作