The foundation is rising in 1984 in reform the big tide in of the sea 尔 group is to usher in the total factory foundation of refrigerator of Qingdao that the German benefit 勃 sea 尔 refrigerator production technique establish up develop something to get up.In the sea 尔 group chief executive officer ZHANG RUI4 MIN3" the famous brand strategy" thought of guide under, the sea 尔 struggles through 18 years of hardship and outstanding innovation, from a gets close to the collective small factory development that close down to strengthen to become at possess the higher good reputation at home and abroad of transnational corporation.
The sea 尔 group from did not have, since the childhood, from weak go to strong, from domestic to overseas of development accomplishment, can condense in underneath this numeral:
2002 The sea 尔 of year carries out the global sales amount 71,100,000,000 dollars, is 20000 of 84 years many times; 2002 Year, the sea 尔 jumps 100 of the in the center country electronics information.
18 Year ago, factory officers and workers shortage 800 people; 2002 Year, the sea 尔 not only officerses and workers develops 3 myriad peoples, but also pulls to move to take up employment number more than 30 myriad peopleses.
1984 The year onlies have a refrigerator product of model number, having already owned the white appliance, black appliance, buff color appliance, house of include reside to gather currently at inside of 96 more than 15100 specification specieses of front doors of product.At the world, a lot of families are all the customers of the sea 尔 products.
The loyalty of the customer is to contact together with the good reputation degree of the sea 尔 product tightly and tightly of,19 years,, the immaterial assets of the sea 尔 from did not have, in 2003 the sea 尔 brand value valuation is 53,000,000,000 dollars, again there is most worth brand 榜 head in the cicada 联 China.
In recent years, the sea 尔 has already had more than ten successful cases example enter the international tube college of science, the European industry and business tube college of science, Japan of Harvard, mulberry of 洛 Kobe university etc. the 著 a high etc. university of a database of case, become the in general use teaching material of the global college of commerce, this is unique in the Chinese business enterprise field.This symbolize the sea 尔 to has already drawn lessons from the foreign forerunner from the 18 year agos study the management method develops to enter the international management field with own creative management of front follow.
The sea 尔 the target is before entering white appliance in world in the near future three strong, and pound at toward the peak of that realm on this foundation.