歌舞3所有歌曲:Now or Never 时间4:33 sung by Troy, Gabriella, Chad and The Wildcats It takes place in the gym during The Championship game against the West High Knights. Troy falls and Gabriella sings to him. The audience even holds up cards that (when put together) make the shape of Wildcat paws, and spell out GO! 歌名:《更待何时》 演唱:Troy, Gabriella, Chad和野猫队 剧情:东部高中体育馆内举行的全国冠军赛,东部高中野猫队对西部高中骑士队。Troy摔倒了,Gabriella唱歌给他鼓励。观众席上举起牌子拼成野猫爪子形状,并拼出“加油!”字样。 2. Right Here, Right Now 时间3:58 sung by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens It takes place in Troy's special tree house during the after party of the Championship game at Troy's house. Troy and Gabriella talk about what happens in the future and then they sing. This musical number is kinda like a fantasy sequence. 歌名:《此时此地》 演唱:Troy和Gabriella 剧情:冠军赛庆功派对后在Troy家后院的树上小木屋里,Troy和Gabriella聊到了他们的将来,整首歌有一点梦幻场景的感觉。 3. I Want It All 时间:4:39 sung by Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel It takes place in the East High Cafeteria but its a dream fantasy sequence so it takes place in Madison Square Gardens, A Hollywood Movie Premiere, and A Broadway Stage. Sharpay wants Ryan to help her get the Julliard scholarship, and she persuades him that they want showbiz and more. They make 4 wardrobe changes. 歌名:《我全都要》 演唱:Sharpay和Ryan 剧情:东部高中食堂里,但在歌曲进行过程中相继幻化成麦迪逊广场花园、好莱坞电影首映式和百老汇舞台。Sharpay要Ryan帮她赢得茱莉亚音乐学院奖学金,除了演艺事业之外她还要得到更多更多。这首歌里面他们换了4套服装(那叫一个华丽丽啊~~)。 4. Can I Have This Dance? 时间:4:04 sung by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens It takes place in The Rooftop Garden on top of East High. Troy and Gabriella talk about prom, and Troy asks Gabriella about waltzing. She tells him she learned from her dad (FIRST MENTION) and they dance and sing together. Then it starts to rain and they kiss in the rain. 歌名:《能和我跳这支舞么?》 演唱:Troy和Gabriella 剧情:东部高中的屋顶花园,Troy和Gabriella说起毕业舞会的事儿,Troy问Gabriella华尔兹会不会跳,她回答说她跟她父亲学过,于是他们便开始一边跳华尔兹一边唱歌,继而在雨中亲吻。 5. A Night To Remember 时间:3:59 sung by all 10 Wildcats, Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Zeke, Ryan, Kelsi, Taylor, Chad, Jason, and Martha. It takes place in the Auditorium. It is a dream fantasy sequence where they dance and get ready for prom. 歌名:《难忘的夜晚》 演唱:全部十只主要“野猫”囧 剧情:在礼堂为毕业舞会做准备,然后幻想中的舞会场景。 6. Just Wanna Be With You 时间:2:38 sung by Lucas Grabeel, Olesya Rulin, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens It takes place in the Auditorium and Music Room. Kelsi and Ryan share a moment at the piano, and then go to the Auditorium to practice for the musical, Senior Year! Troy and Gabriella sing together and Kelsi and Ryan sing. 歌名:《只想和你在一起》 演唱:Ryan、Kelsi、Troy和Gabriella 剧情:音乐教室以及大礼堂。Kelsi和Ryan在钢琴前合作了一曲,继而转到大礼堂的音乐剧《毕业班》排练现场,加上Troy和Gabriella他们四个人一起合唱。 7. The Boys Are Back 时间:3:47 sung by Zac Efron and Corbin Bleu It takes place at a junkyard that Troy and Chad used to hang out at when they were little kids. They were there fixing Troy's truck and start imagining when they were little and break dance around the Junkyard. 歌名:《男生归来》 演唱:Troy和Chad 剧情:在一个废旧垃圾场,Troy和Chad小时候常跑到这里来玩。他们在那里修好了Troy的车,然后假装他们还是小孩子的时候在这里疯玩的场面。 Right Here, Right Now (The Reprise): Troy and Gabriella each at there own houses have a moment to themselves and sing a short version of this song. 非CD曲目:《此时此地》(变奏版) 剧情:Troy和Gabriella各自回到家中独自思考,唱了这首歌的缩略版。 8. Walk Away 时间:3:50 sung by Vanessa Hudgens It takes place at Gabriella's house to Stanford University. She realizes she doesn't want to leave East High and Troy and go to Stanford University or does she? 歌名:《就这么走开》 演唱:Gabriella 剧情:Gabriella从家中出发到去斯坦福大学去。她在犹豫自己到底能不能放下东部高中和Troy去斯坦福。 9. Scream 时间:3:56 sung by Zac Efron It takes place in the gym, the halls, the cafeteria, and the Auditorium Stage. Troy sings because he is mad about his choices and what to do about them. This is a fantasy sequence using CGI effects, and the East High halls literally go upside down. 歌名:《大叫》演唱:Troy 剧情:东部高中——从餐厅到体育馆,从橱柜室到走廊再到大礼堂。Troy用歌唱的方式表达不知该如何抉择的内心挣扎。这段用了CGI特效,把东部高中的大厅整个儿给倒了过来。歌舞青春男主角作别"高校"大学深造 10.Can I Have This Dance? (The Prom Reprise): 时间:4:04 While the rest of the Wildcats are at prom dancing, Troy goes to Stanford University to dance with Gabriella, They imagine that they are at the prom with The Wildcats, and Can I Have This Dance (Reprise) plays. They dance together at Stanford University and then kiss for (count' em) 11 SECONDS! 11. We're All in This Together 时间:4:17 sung by sung by The Wildcats. It takes place on the football stadium during Graduation. While the wildcats get there diplomas. 歌名:《我们一起》 演唱:全体 剧情:橄榄球场上的毕业典礼,野猫们拿到自己的毕业证书。 12. High School Musical sung by the HSM 3 Cast. 时间:3:53 It takes place at the football stadium after Graduation. Troy and Gabriella sing, Sharpay and Ryan sing, Taylor and Chad sing, they do the famous Roller coaster (from HSM2) and then dance the day away. 歌名:《歌舞青春》演唱:全体演员 剧情:毕业典礼后的体育场上,Troy同Gabriella、Sharpay同Ryan、Taylor同Chad两两对唱,他们载歌载舞并重演了第二部“What time is it”中那个“过山车”造型。
We are All in this together,应该系依首!