英语对话 急求!!!

2025-03-01 11:02:04

Alina:Hi, Jacob!
Jacob:Alina! Hey! What's up?
Alina: I am doing well.
Jacob:Wow, you look pale. That's not like you are doing well. What's wrong?
Alina:I'm really ok buddy, don't worry.
Jacob:Oh, come up. Just tell me what happened.
Alina:Well, if you really want to know. My relationship with Edward is over. Actually, it's him break up with me.
Jacob:Oh god,how can that be? I thought you guys are perfectly together.
Alina:That's what I thought, but things changed. I thought he is the one and we are meant to be together fot the rest of our lifes.
Jacob:So what happenedthen?
Alina:Uh.....is there by any chance that you know Edward is a vampire?
Jacob:To be honest with you Alina, I do suspect him for a long time. But since you are with him, I thought maybe I was wrong. Since you tell me, I guess there's no doubt on that anymore. I have a strong intuitive.
Alina:So.....he suddenly gave me all this vampire talk and said it is better for him to leave in order to protect me.
Jacob:I gotta say Alina, at this point, he is right. Vampires are not good comapnies to keep, no matter how much you love him, it won't last long without you turning into one too.
Alina:I am willing to turn to a monster for him, but he still left whatsoever.
Jacob:What can I say Alina? I am sorry to hear that and hope you can pull yourself together.
Alina:Yeah, I want to and I will be!
Jacob:That's right girl, just hang in there, be strong. I will always be there for you ok.
Alina:Thanks Jac.



A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is?

B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way.

A: Why do you think so?

B: Because it is the fastest and the safest.

A: Of course it is when you are talking about a long distance.

B: That's true. For shorter distance I think I will have to say, car.

A: And why is that?

B: Well, it is quite obvious that you will not find an airport everywhere, but a carparking space is a lot more easier to find.

A: What about bicycles then?

B: Eh... I don't think so. The area I live in is in the mountains. It takes a strong sport-man to ride on those hilly roads.



