托福99分 新GRE 321分,V153+Q168, AW 3.5, GPA 3.64, 申请英国帝国理工学院统计学硕士有希望么?

2025-02-28 06:49:23

第二..对于所有学校都是一样,只要语言成绩过了线,主要还是看GPA和个人能力(学术背景+名教推荐)...这是一个综合评定,也不是单单一个GPA能决定的..并不是说GPA比别人高就一定能进,比别人低就一定没戏....尤其是这些顶尖名校,竞争都很激烈,有没有希望还看楼主的综合能力 和运气....


internet-Based Test: An overall score of 100, with 24 in Writing and Speaking.
the majority of programmes have higher requirements (usually a minimum of a UK Upper Second Class Honours (2A) degree). 英国体系的GPA怎么转化的不是很清楚 但是说是要平等与2A荣誉学士学位

For admission to a PhD, MPhil, MD (Res) or EngD research programme the College would normally expect you to hold or achieve a Master's degree in addition to a Bachelor's degree at 2A level.

Advice on the academic requirements from specific overseas institutions can be found by clicking on the link to the relevant country in the Country Index.

Please note that the requirements below are the College minimum entry requirements, equivalent to a UK Lower Second Class Honours (2B) degree. Each Department is able to ask for higher grades than listed, and many Departments look for a minimum of a UK Upper Second Class Honours (2A) degree or equivalent.

You should check the individual Departmental websites for their specific requirements before submitting an application.

